Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Maori Musical Instruments

Last Friday,the 27 November, we went into the hall and listened to a lot of different Maori musical instruments being played. Then we were given some clay and we were shown how to make one for ourselves. Here are some pictures of what we saw and did.

Maori Musical Instruments

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Big Climbing Wall 19 November 2009

Today we had a turn on the big, high climbing wall. It was a bit scary at first but we all had more than one turn and some of us got up really high. Phoenix and Max went the highest. The man who taught us how to do it was very helpful. Some of the handholds were quite hard to reach for us but we made good use of the ladders on the side. This helped us to get up higher. Here are some pictures of us all having a go at it.

The Big Climbing Wall

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our First Vegetable from Our Garden

On Friday 6 November we picked our first vegetable from our garden. It was a lettuce!. Here it is after we took all the outside leaves off. Some of us had a taste and we enjoyed it.
We have some strawberries that are nearly ripe and we can hardly wait for them to be ready to eat.

Our Garden 6 November 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

WGC Pantomimes

Today we went to Wellington Girls College to see some pantomimes that the drama classes had made up for us. We saw Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretal, Snow White and Cinderella. We really enjoyed them and we thought the big girls were very good at acting. Here are some pictures of the pantomimes we saw.

Pantomimes at WGC

Room Two's Garden

Yesterday we looked at our garden and we saw it had grown lots in the holidays. Today we transplanted some pea plants into our garden and then we watered it well so all the plants will grow.

Our Garden

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Powhiri 18 September

Last Friday we had a Powhiri at school. The year 3 and 4's had stayed the night in the School Hall and they welcomed us onto the field with a Powhiri. Amanda called for us and Sebastian and Max and Mathias did our speeches and we all sang some Maori songs. After the year 3 and 4's had done their speeches and songs and a haka, we gave them a koha of food. We all then lined up to hongi. It took a long time! Then we all went down to Room 4 and had a shared lunch together. Here are some pictures from the Powhiri.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

The School Disco 4 September

We had a school disco on Friday 4 September. We had good fun and we saw lots of our friends there. We also bought different sorts of flashing lights and danced to great music. Here are some photos of us at the Disco.

School Disco 4 September 2009

Assembly and the Friendship Cloaks

Last Thursday we helped to take the School Assembly with Room One. We stood at the front and told the Assembly who was to come up next. We also showed the other children our Friendship Cloaks that we made with Room One with Amanda. Here are some photos from the Assembly. If you want to see the cloaks you can come and see them hanging up in Rooms One and Two.

Assembly and the Friendship Cloaks

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our City

We made this city with lots of help from the children in our class. The children who helped are Isaac, Leon, Kate, Rueben and Rebekah. We made people to go in the city and the city has a swimming pool and a cafe below the skyscraper. It has a playground for the children and lots of different buildings. If you go up to the top of the skyscraper it will make you dizzy.

Our City

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pirates,Witches and Robbers

Today we went to see a play called Pirates, Witches and Robbers at the NZ College of Performing Arts. We really enjoyed it and had lots of laughs because it was so funny. Here are some pictures from the show.

Pirates Witches and Robbers