Thursday, July 30, 2009

Room 2 July 30 2009

Room 2 is now a year one class. We shifted in during the July holidays all ready to start at the beginning of Term 3.
Six children have come into the room from Room 1 for the Term and we now have eight children in all.
The new children are Holly and Caitlyn. Holly started in week one and Caitlyn this week.
Rooms one and two are working closely together and are sharing Gymnastics sessions, Maori sessions, Music sessions, Library time and Discovery Time.
We are also studying the same topics for the term. The topic for the first three weeks is Friendship and the big question associated with this is'What do friends do?"
We are continuing with the buddy system. This term the buddies are listening to us read on Monday to Wednesday and then reading to us from library books on Thursday.

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