Friday, August 21, 2009

Room Two's Garden

Today we decided what to plant in our garden. We made a list and then we went to the Garden Section of New World and bought the plants and seeds to put in the garden. When we got back we went to our garden and planted them!
We have got spinach, carrots, peas, green beans and golden beans, lettuce, broccoli and strawberries in the garden now.
We gave some of our plants and seeds to Room Three for their garden as we had too many plants and seeds to go into our garden.
We are going to take good care of our garden and watch as the seeds and plants grow.
We hope they do well and we will be able to eat what we grow later on in the year and even next year.
While we were planting the garden a tui came to watch us, sitting in the tree near to Room Three's garden.
Below are some pictures of our planted garden.
When you come to our classroom you can look out at our garden or go around behind our building to be right beside it.

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